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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tired but still got on the treadmill

My alarm went off at 520am this morning as it does most mornings.  Some mornings I hit snooze and some I get up and get on the treadmill.  I do notice that if I "prepare" the night before, I'm more likely to get up and get moving.  Preparing for me is simple.  I just put my exercise clothes in the bathroom.  I don't know why it's always a crapshoot whether I will get up or not.  I know I feel better on days I get up and exercise.  I tend to be less grouchy, more alert and don't get tired in the afternoons like I do on days I get no exercise.  Exercise is proven to be a natural combatant of depression and anxiety as well.  The endorphins released during exercise is so helpful to daily function. 
So I did spend 40 minutes on the treadmill this morning and then went down and drank my daily spark. 

This I LOVE!  I used to drink tons of soda.  I have gone back and forth between regular and diet soda.  About a 6 months ago I decided I needed to stop drinking diet.  It was slowly poisoning me.  I was having muscles aches and other symptoms that I couldn't attribute to anything else.  So I started drinking regular dr. pepper.  Of course I was a 2-3 soda a day drinker so I immediately gained weight.  (over 10 pounds rather quickly)  Well, I did not want that to occur.  I had been working hard to keep a healthy weight.  Then I was invited to a get together where someone was talking about Advocare.  I had never heard of it, but I thought I'd give it a try.  I did the herbal cleanse for 10 days and immediately dropped 7 pounds.  Part of the cleanse was stopping soda.  I actually did not stop soda all together during the cleanse and still lost 7 pounds.  I then tried spark.  It is touted to have a caffeine like energy without the caffeine.  And now I'm hooked.  I love the watermelon flavor and drink it in place of soda.  It gives me energy without the drop in energy when the sugar wears off.  It is incredible.  And now that I'm not drinking soda... I am losing more weight as well.  If you are interested in Advocare, feel free to message me or go to

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Live your life happy now!

We are a family that loves the outdoors.  My husband is really the one that LOVES exercise.  My daughter and I could take it or leave it, but to keep up with my husband we have had to adapt.  I have found that the older I get the harder it is to stay at a healthy weight, so I am constantly looking for activity to build into my day that's fun.  Over Christmas vacation this year we went to Moab, Utah and hiked the Arches National Park.  That was breathtaking!  I loved it!  We stayed in a quaint little cabin in town and then hiked each day.  Lots of exercise and lots of experiences we wouldn't normally have.  Starting to plan the next vacation.